The Positive Result

رَبِّ هَبْ لِي مِنَ الصَّالِحِينَ
My Lord! grant me of the doers of good deeds. (Ash Shaaffaat,100)
– Ibrahim Prays for a good deed descendant-
My Rabb, please accept my humble pray for You who had giving us this precious gift. The one we’ve waiting for is now come. You always shown Your almighty beyond our rational. The hard thing is the easy thing for You. The long is just a blink for You. Our two years of tireless desire and effort is finally fulfill by only 10 minutes of urinal test (Hi TestPack!). It’s spiritually heal my typhoid when i knew it. Now i know what picture that will suited for my blog head images, Alhamdulillah 🙂
ps: picture are taken without permission from

8 pemikiran pada “The Positive Result

  1. Selamat ya, nJes! 😀
    Ntar anak kalian bisa main sama MJ.

    Eh iya, kalau istrimu ngidam rangginang, aku kebetulan ada stok. Hihihi…

    Danke sister Jo, iya nih kayaknya belum sempet liat poto2nya MJ, salam ya

    ps:klo ngidamnya rangginang enak pisan….kalo ngidam yang aneh2 itu tuh

  2. Congrats Jes…:D
    Selamat menjadi calon bapak…semoga begitu anak u lahir bisa langsung compile kernel (as you wish)..ha..ha..ha..

    Thekyu Ted, tenang aje ntar begitu brojol (insha 4JJI) gw ajarin cara donlot menggunakan torrent 😀

  3. selamat bro!
    semoga ibu dan anaknya sehat,

    thanks, cok…..didoain semoga cepat menyusul….eh, ato jangan2 udah lu dulu kayaknya 😀

  4. Selamat Jezz, lo mo namain Bill Gates Junior ya? apa ya?

    Thanks, Di….kemaren tanggal 31 Jan 08 gw ketempat lu, ngobrol ngalor-ngidul ama Om Topik…..klo namain mah masih ntar aja….yang penting ibu dan janinnya sehat 🙂

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