Tag: Cisco

Whoops, my CCNA is still valid

It turns out by taking CXFF exam  and passing it exam on last September 2007 is also re certified my CCNA certification thats should be expired on 24th April 2008. Now i can focus attempting to get CCNP and have at least an additional time to exhale for the next 36 month 😀 .

Finally, i passed it

I passed it on my third attempt, okay i’m happy but after this what is the follow-up for me? though i’m grateful to earn another Cisco knowledge and certification, but i’m afraid i’m only slip to a dissapointing situation noticing probably i’m not going too involved to a project related to Cisco, in another word i had a bad feeling that the company is only using me so they can sell Cisco product proudly….but God knows & decide everything and i’m only able to plan. Hopefully i’m patience enough

So is it good enough if i put this Cisco title behind my name? dunno but seems freak to me to put CXFF, sound bit like special FX, Professor X, XXX :))